Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Artwater Village or My Birthday Project #3

Well, I finally have some time to write about this as I sit up late waiting for a senior developer to change a website -- you know who you are!

Last Saturday, after my weekly hike through the hills of Runyon Canyon, I came back to the often-lovely Atwater Village and decided to make a day of it. No, really. Once home, I did not leave Atwater Village.

Welcome to the first annual Artwater Village. Glendale Blvd. was full of helium balloons, professional chalk artists (I'm guessing they were professional -- they were good), small stages at sidewalk "bump outs", little booths at the cute yet tiny "Red Car Pocket Park" and five or six galleries with their doors swung open wide.

The boulevard was jammed with pedestrians as it probably hasn't been since the days of the Red Car. The pocket park filled up nicely with tons of kids and families, women on stilts, grungy musicians and a great diverse patchwork of people that make up the area. It was heartening.

Later in the evening, my friend Barbara joined me from Atwater adjacent Silver Lake. We hit the Club Tee Gee for a couple drinks and then Baracoa for some sizzling cuban food. I had been there for lunch before, but never dinner. Let me tell you, it was packed and it was delicious. Great smoky black beans and rice and nicely charred garlic shrimp. The empanadas were tender and buttery while the beef ones had a nice earthiness to them. Run, don't walk, to Baracoa.

After dinner, it seemed that the planned continuation of music until 10p was winding down as were the open galleries, so we headed home. All in all, though, a successful first Artwater!

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