Thursday, December 30, 2004

Silver Lake

Ok, just got back from a lovely short evening (for me, anyway) at our local watering hole, Akbar. Good time, great folks, lovely atmosphere. Andrew was there -- straight (well, not really) from Scotland, Steve, Barbara and Tom and Carl (my betrothed). All good fun. It's about 5 minutes by car, but I (and the rest of the socal) wish it was closer to home.

So, tomorrow night, New Year's Eve -- the debate is on. Should we go to MJs (closer, newer, fewer seats) or Akbar (more seats)? Check back on Saturday for all the deets...or sooner.

By the way, I have just had 2 and one half drinks and must go to bed. At this rate, I'll be drunk off just the fiz on a slo gin fiz in less than 2 years.

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